What is Anxiety?

Anxiety can be a normal response to fight or flight mode. However, anxiety disorder has characteristics of excessive fear and worry, feeling of being overwhelmed, the uneasy feeling about the future, incoming future threats, and interruption of how you behave and act as a result.

What is considered "normal" anxiety?

Normal anxiety is experienced by everyone from time to time. For example fear, stress or worry about major events (upcoming wedding, taking an exam, presentation for work, etc.) or practical issues like your health or finances.  However, when fear, stress or worrying becomes persist over time, it can lead to the disorder. Normal Anxiety makes you aware, present and prepare for the problems ahead. Too much anxiety can make you feel overwhelmed to unable to tackle the things you do on a daily basis.

Types of Anxiety That Will Be Discussed"

    1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder

    2. Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD)

    3. Select Mutism

    4. Specific Phobia (Phobia)

    5. Social Anxiety Disorder (Social phobia)

    6. Panic Disorder

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